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Q: Why is the woman so worried? a. The man speaks so slowly. b. Security checks take a long time. c. The man is in real danger. d.The man may miss his flight. There are different English expressions to show the end of a meeting."Goodbye"itself is one of the most common ways when you are leaving from someone. The word"farewell" is quite formal. It means very strong feelings. It also sounds very 20]final. You probably won't use it often in 21] daily life. You can say "Have a good day"to someone that you're not very 22] close with, like a colleague that you don't know well, a visitor or a customer.While the phrase 23]"take care" is still formal, it is 24] not quite as formal as the expression "Have a good day." Use this when you're not going to see someone again for at least a week. 单选 二(  )1.Helen ________ her key in the office so she had to wait until her colleagues ________.

A:has left; comes back
B:left; had come back
C:had left;came back
D:had left; would come back
E:2. When did he go to Paris?
F:went G:has been H:has gone

发布时间:2024-06-11 10:10:54
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