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A woman lent£2 , to her sister under a formal loan agreement. The agreement was for .5% interest to be added to the debt annually and for the£2 , , together with all of the interest, to be paid back after 1 years. Two years into the agreement, the woman told her sister that the money should instead be held on trust by her sister to be paid to the woman's daughter when she turned 25. Last week, as the 1 years have now passed, the woman's sister paid back the 丘 2 ,ooo plus interest to the woman. The woman's daughter is now17. The woman has sought your advice about setting up_ a new trust in respect of the money and mentions that she is annoyed her sister ignored her clear instructions and wonders if there 1s any recourse she can take for breach of trust.Hasthe woman's sister done anything wrong?

A: No. As the woman did not make the trust in writing, it was invalid
B: Yes. The woman's sister should have continued to hold the money for the woman's daughter until she turned 25, as an oral trust was established eight years ago
C: No. As the woman parted with the money two years before pronouncing her intention for this to be held on trust, the trust was invalid
D: Yes. The woman's sister should have paid the money to the woman's daughter instead, as an oral trust was established eight years ago
E: No. It is not possible for loans to be held on trust

发布时间:2024-06-15 06:49:09
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