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Each year,500 million people from 164 countries celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June.It may seem like there is not much that an individual can do to save the world,but there is.One of the first steps is to understand the problems and their solutions.Try to learn about your ecosystem,endangered animals and pollution.If you are well-informed,you can make better decisions about how to save energy and produce less waste.You can also learn how to be a better consumer and not buy products made from endangered animals or which have too much packaging,also share your concerns with others and find ways to promote environmental education.Help educate people in your community about ways in which they can help protect the environment.The Earth is our only home.We should take good care of it.RecycleMake a list of all the things you can recycle at home and at school and start recycling.In some cases,you can sell the things you recycle.In others,you can turn unwanted items into something useful for another purpose,such as using old plastic bottles for growing plants.Most bottles and jars contain at least 25% recycled glass.And recycling aluminium cans saves 95% of the energy needed to make aluminium from bauxite ore.Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees,26,000 litres of water,1,700 litres of oil,266 kilograms of air pollution and 2.3 cubic metres of rubbish dump space.Use less energyThe easiest way to save energy is to cycle or walk whenever possible instead of using public transportation.At home and at school,you should only use electric lights and electrical appliances when you need them.There are many other less obvious ways of saving energy.For example,try to ask your mum to buy food which has been grown locally.Why? When people buy food from far away,it takes extra energy to package and ship it by boat,train,truck or plane.Save waterYou can save water by helping your Dad repair leaking pipes and toilets.Take short showers instead of baths.Some waste water from baths can be used for other purposes,such as watering plants or washing outdoor spaces.It is important to help preserve the local water quality by not pouring dangerous household chemicals down the drain or into the ground.Dispose of them properly. 1.The target readers of this passage could mostly probably be_______.

B:car drivers

发布时间:2024-06-04 10:41:04
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