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22A man was sitting in his garden next to a busy motorway. He saw a heavy goods vehicle stop on the road because its load had caught fire. Although his garden hose was within reach,he did not get up to help put out the fire because he reasonably feared that the vehicle's fuel tank might explode.So he did nothing,and the vehicle and its load of goods were totally destroyed. The owner of the vehicle has been informed of the man's conduct and is angry that the man did nothing to help prevent the owner's loss.A B EIf the owner makes a claim in the tort of negligence against the man,which of the following statements best explains the likely outcome?

A:The owner could not make a successful claim because the man did hot fall below a reasonable standard of care in not going to help put out the fire,as his fear of an explosion was reasonable.
B:The owner could make a successful claim for the whole of the owner's loss because the man breached his duty of care in not going to help put out the fire.The owner could make a successful claim but only for the value of the vehicle and goods
C:which were destroyed,and not for any loss of profits that he would have made on the goods because this would be pure economic loss.
D:The owner could not make a successful claim because the man did not owe any duty of care to the owner in respect of his failure to act.
E:The owner could not make a successful claim because causation cannot be established,as the man might not have been able to put out the fire even if he had gone to help.

发布时间:2024-05-13 22:46:10
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