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I want to translate the Web into every major language: every webpage, every video, and, yes, even Justin Bieber's tweets. Nowadays, most of the Web is inaccessible(不能接触的)to most people in the world because its content splits up into hundreds of languages with over 50% of it in English.This problem is pressing, now more than ever, with millions of people from China, Russia, Latin America and other quickly developing regions entering the Web. There are certainly systems (like Google Translate) that are improving every day at translating the gist of things written in other languages than English. Unfortunately,they are not yet accurate enough: even when what they spit out is intelligible(智能的),it's so badly written that people can't read more than a few lines before getting a headache. This is why a new project called Duolingo is introduced here. Duolingo aims at breaking the language barrier, and thus making the Web truly “world wide.” The idea behind Duolingo is to kill two birds with one stone by solving both of these problems simultaneously. It is accomplished by transforming language translation into something that anyone can do - not just bilinguals - and that millions of people want to do: learning a foreign language. It is estimated that over one billion people worldwide are learning a foreign language, with millions doing so using computer programs. With Duolingo, people learn and translate a foreign language at the same time. When you learn on Duolingo, the website gives you exercises set specifically for you that teach you every aspect of the new language. You may be asked to translate a sentence, to pronounce or listen to a phrase, or to describe what you see in an image. In this way, Duolingo produces translations that are as accurate as those from professional language translators.25. What can you be asked to do to while using Duolin go?

A:To share the product with others.
B: To pay for the exercises you learn.
C: To describe the image that you see.

发布时间:2024-04-24 13:34:37
推荐参考答案 ( 由 搜题小帮手 官方老师解答 )


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