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Splendora Corporation, a corporation headquartered in Texas, is in the energy business . Since large amounts of money are involved, Splendora needs to have tight security for its data and application systems . Which of the following statements about its security might indicate a weakness in the security?

A: A backdoor is a means of access that bypasses normal security procedures . Splendora controls access to its data center with access cards that log all employees who enter the computer center, so it does not feel that it has any backdoors .
B: Splendora generates a default password for new users of its application systems as the employee's last name and encourages but does not require that those passwords be changed . Splendora considers the possibility of a security problem to be remote since employees will invariably change those passwords as soon as they access the systems for the first time .
C: Splendora has a network firewall that protects access to its network and the applications that run on its networks . Since firewalls protect against intrusion by outsiders, Splendora does not utilize any virus protection software .
D: Each of the statements indicates a potential weakness in Splendora's security.

发布时间:2024-05-23 19:50:51
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