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The First Assembly LineIn 1913, one of the first moving assembly lines was introduced at the Ford Motor Company by Henry Ford, its founder.Until this time, automobiles were being built one at a time and were quite expensive. Only rich people could afford to buy one.Ford wanted to build a car that the man in the street could afford. To do so he had to produce them at the lowest possible price. After he had developed the very successful Model T, Ford began experimenting with available production techniques. He could not keep up with the demand for his cars. By 1908 the nation was on the move, and Ford's need for production speed was essential.In Fords early assembly line, cars were pulled by rope from one worker to the next. This new technique allowed workers to stay in one place and perform the same task repeatedly on vehicles as they passed by. This reduced production time by about one-half. By using the same method to the assembly of a total car, Henry Ford speeded up car production even more.Now, one finished Model T came off the assembly line every ten second. Choose the correct answers.What was the situation like in 1908?

A:People were moving house.;
B: People were emigrating.;
C:People were moving around a lot.;
D:People were moving around a lot faster.

发布时间:2024-04-10 10:25:52
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