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Stomach flu is one of the most unpleasant of the common diseases(疾病). It spreads easily,which can make it hard to avoid. That's especially true if someone in your family has it. Stomach flu is caused by a virus(病毒),but not the same one that causes regular flu.Because it's caused by a virus,there's no medicine to make it go away. But there are some things you can do to avoid catching it. You can prevent stomach flu by washing your hands often. Use hot water and soap,and spend time scrubbing(用力擦洗). Using hand sanitizer(洗手液)is better than nothing,but it isn't very effective against stomach flu. That's because hand sanitizer mostly kills bacteria (细菌),not viruses. The virus that causes stomach flu is hard to kill. Normal cleaners won't always get rid of it. But cleaning your house can stop you from catching it. So mix bleach(漂白剂)with water,and use that to clean surfaces. If someone in your family is sick,focus on cleaning things that person has touched. If you do get the stomach flu,drink as much water as possible. Other clear liquids are good,too. You probably won't want to eat much. But when you do feel ready to eat,try bananas,rice,applesauce or toast. Once you're feeling better,don't return to work or school right away. You can still spread the disease for a few days after you feel better. If you had a fever,wait at least 28hours after it ends before going out. This will help protect other people from getting sick. Stomach flu is very awful,but by following these tips,you can help stop it from spreading. Which is the best title for the passage?

A:Tips for Preventing the Stomach Flu
B:Keeping a Good Health Habits
C:How to Wash Your Hands
D:Eating and Resting are Both Important

发布时间:2024-06-03 11:50:21
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