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How to get organizedFeeling stressed and disorganized? Don’t know where to start with tidying your stuff? Follow our top five tips and get organized right now!1Don't be afraid to throw things away.You know that box you have full of “special things”? Take a look through it now. Are you sure you want to keep that old bus ticket? Or the notes you got from your ex-boyfriend? Sure, it’s nice to keep a few nice memories, but if you’re a disorganized type of person, you could probably do with a clear out every now and then.2Phone a friend.If you can’t face throwing things away, call a tidy and organized friend to help you. It’s always easier and more fun to have a clear out with good company.3Make a to-do list.If you don't know where to start, make a list of the things you want to organize. When you organize something, tick the item off your list. It'll make you feel good and help you to keep on going!4Buy some nice stationery.Having some nice new pens and folders will make you want to tidy up! Go to the store and choose some binders and dividers in your favorite colors. They look nice, don’t they? Now all you need to do is use them!5 Don’t feel too bad about being disorganized.Everyone knows that an untidy desk is a sign of creativity! So, if you can’t get your working area as tidy as you might like, then don’t worry! Maybe it just means you have time for the more important things in life.The writer thinks that disorganized people .

A: need to throw things away more regularly
B: shouldn't throw things away as they might be important
C: should keep special things in a box

发布时间:2024-05-07 16:17:51
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